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Coronavirus RESPECTFUL Discussion Only! (Mod edit: Closed)

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Okay, bud. We all know the numbers will explode with more tests coming. That’s common sense. We’re in the middle of flattening the curve which you won’t see the results of because of the lack of tests going out. It’ll be a couple of months to see anything. Does not mean the nation will be shutting down. You’re completely out of touch.

You’re going to be in the twighlight zone in two weeks. We are absolutely not in the middle of flattening the curve. We’re in the calm before the storm.
South Korea and the U.S. detected their first active cases on the same day. Here is an article on our respective responses.

US and South Korea detected their first coronavirus case on the same day -

As of 3/18/20, the ROK has 84 deaths. Today, 3/19, the U.S. has 189 deaths. The ROK identified where the cases were, which made them able to counter the threat. In the U.S., we missed the window of relevance of containment. All we have left is mitigation by flattening the curve - that is, by making it take longer to all get infected, so that facilities are not overwhelmed. "All" is a bit much, but for infection to be widespread.

Tommy, if you're thinking "It's still just a few thousand cases," you need to think like a hockey player.... it's not where the puck is, it's where it's going to be. Here's an article on exponential spread:

Why 'Exponential Growth' Is So Scary For The COVID-19 Coronavirus

Even today, POTUS was asked why the federal gov't can't get the supposed millions of masks we have where they are needed. He says "They're not a shipping clerk." This paints a picture of federal stockpiles while governors and mayors are freaking tf out because they're having to re-use masks some places. King County, WA., is building a field hospital in a soccer field. Do you think it's really happening yet? Were you calling the virus a "hoax" a month or two ago? Or maybe a week ago?

Well into when "experts" were telling him that yes, this is really happening, Trump was on TV calling it a hoax, then saying it was a hoax that his enemies wanted him to respond, then saying that one day soon it would all go away and it will be like a miracle, and so on. There are still a lot of people who are trying to score points with hard core denialists by claiming that it's not a big deal.

Here some of the facts of the response. The whole tick-tock is here:
Timeline: Trump administration’s response to coronavirus

Dec. 31, 2019, AP report of China's virus outbreak
(1 week passes)
Jan. 6, 2020 CDC's first move, way below presidential level, CDC warns travelers to China to take precautions
Jan. 14, WHO says no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission. I.e., inaction is still excusable.
Jan. 21, first confirmed U.S. case in Seattle
Jan. 22, Trump's first remarks... Coronavirus "is going to be handled very well." Also, China "is in very good shape."
Jan. 29, White House names task force
Jan. 30:

Since on 1/30/20 we have 5 confirmed cases, presumably walking around shedding virus, please check your assumptions about whether we "kept COVID-19 out," once the "border"-intensive measures below were followed.

Jan. 31 - Maybe this is what he means by "I closed the borders"?
The Trump administration suspends entry into the United States by foreign nationals who traveled to China within the last 14 days (excluding Hong Kong and Macau). This does not apply to lawful U.S. residents and family members/ spouses of U.S. residents or citizens.

But wait. What if U.S. nationals also got sick?

Feb.2 -
President Trump interview on Fox News with Sean Hannity
“Well, we pretty much shut it down coming in from China. … We've offered China help, but we can't have thousands of people coming in who may have this problem, the coronavirus.”

Feb. 18
The CDC issues an order requiring airlines to provide information about any passenger coming from China within 14 days of their entry into the U.S.

So you bop around for 2 weeks in the U.S., nobody knows anything about your whereabout, and 2 weeks after you land, Delta or whoever has to say you landed at XYZ airport. Also: You can be asymptomatic for up to 3 weeks. I certainly hope that every such passenger was located, their contacts were isolated, the whole kit and caboodle were quarantined, and they were in quarantine 3 weeks! Otherwise your "we closed the borders!" spiel sort of falls apart.

Feb. 24

Wow. Was it really just 3 weeks ago that he was proclaiming the "stock market starting to look very good"?

Feb. 25
Lots of developments. Again, the coronavirus is "well under control" and there are "very few people" with it. Romney expresses disappointment that we have not stockpiled medical equipment/supplies. Trump brags about "closing the borders" to certain parts of the world for the first time, along with chest-thumping about how well the U.S. is doing... etc.

Feb. 29 he's bragging about how few cases we have, meanwhile - and this is key to the epic fail of footdragging - we're not testing.

There's a clear straight line between refusing to test and bragging that we have few confirmed cases. The theory behind it seems likely to be that markets would be rattled if they knew how many cases we had. The error is that the markets are responding to the real life math of how people will have to behave -- they will have to not go places where they will consume goods and use services. The classic example is the restaurants, but anything brick and mortar. You can't fix a virus with a rate-cut gimmick and you can't keep people afloat by cutting the taxes of the rich. Now we're suddenly up against the very boogeyman that he thought he could beat with a show of market support.

The problem is that a virus doesn't get beat by shows and slogans about foreigners. We have the virus in this country. We will have it now until it's "run its course," and much of the goal now is to make it take longer to run its course. But I digress.

March 5 - Trump brags on twitter, "With approximately 100,000 CoronaVirus cases worldwide, and 3,280 deaths, the United States, because of quick action on closing our borders, has, as of now, only 129 cases (40 Americans brought in) and 11 deaths. We are working very hard to keep these numbers as low as possible!"

There are now "only" 10,000+ (3/19). Two weeks, nice round number, 129 cases to 10,000. Of course, part of that is we've started actually trying to test and find it.

If necessary, please go back and read the link about exponential spread.

March 9, Trump is saying it's okay, because people die from the flu too...

Fauci keeps saying that it's nice to test now, and it's still important , but it's not to contain the virus anymore. We missed our chance to do that.

The pep rally shlitz (and the media bashing and dem bashing etc.) has to go. If you don't think there's a pandemic, really, just go somewhere else and mourn the loss of Brady to TB. I mean, that would be the main story then, innit?

If you think there is a virus, but Trump stopped it, why is the case count skyrocketing?

Ask yourself why he's trying to rebrand the virus, talk down the power of the virus, and otherwise try to talk the virus to death.

We're about to see some heavy duty **** in this country. It's absurd that people are still running around to save talking points, even at the expense of human lives.

You missed one. On January 24, Trump met with Senators - not sure if it was just the Republicans, but I think this was the day he was talking about meeting with the GOP.

Almost immediately, Richard Burr dumped 1.5 million in stock and told donors at some dinner (there's audio of this) that things were going to get bad.

Also, Senator Kelly Loeffer (sp?) began dumping - between 1.3 and 3.4 million.

Meanwhile, Trump and Kudlow were urging the plebes to "buy."
You missed one. On January 24, Trump met with Senators - not sure if it was just the Republicans, but I think this was the day he was talking about meeting with the GOP.

Almost immediately, Richard Burr dumped 1.5 million in stock and told donors at some dinner (there's audio of this) that things were going to get bad.

Also, Senator Kelly Loeffer (sp?) began dumping - between 1.3 and 3.4 million.

Meanwhile, Trump and Kudlow were urging the plebes to "buy."
Senator Dumped Up to $1.7 Million of Stock After Reassuring Public About Coronavirus Preparedness — ProPublica
How, exactly, is speculating on a worst case scenario irresponsible?

Planning for the worst case scenario is my primary approach to everything in life. Don't fixate on positive thinking, fixate on and plan for the negative. That way, at least, you are not caught unawares and most of the time things will turn out much better than that.

Saying you expect the worst in life seems incredibly unhealthy to me.

There's a world of difference between planning for the worst and actually expecting it, lol

Planning for the worst has always been my primary approach as well. My wife and I have always had a plan ahead and for the 'worst' outlook on everything. For example we've made and prepaid our final arrangements (something every adult should do BTW) because everyone dies and the worst case there is your grief stricken heirs not only shouldn't have to make those decisions but they could be in a vulnerable state.

I happened to be in ear shot when our oldest called his mother today. I could only hear her end of the conversation but it was apparent he was calling to see how well stocked we are and if we needed anything. She told him we didn't need a thing and ran down an off the top of her head list of what's here to him then after a moment of listening she chuckled and told him "No we haven't been putting ourselves at risk, neither of us has gone anywhere in a week. Think about where we live and remember it's winter."

Worst case scenario thinking keeps us prepared to be snowed in for 4-6 weeks. It's the same thought process that led us to buy a large freezer and install a duel fuel generator when we decided to be here year round. If there hadn't already been a secondary heat source here we would have installed one.

So yeah, we might have been worst casing for snowmaggedon and not a pandemic but here we are in in our as safe as it reasonably can be well stocked isolation. Point being, there's a lot to be said for worst case scenario planning. If nothing else it certainly won't let you down and you'll continue to eat well.
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You missed one. On January 24, Trump met with Senators - not sure if it was just the Republicans, but I think this was the day he was talking about meeting with the GOP.

Almost immediately, Richard Burr dumped 1.5 million in stock and told donors at some dinner (there's audio of this) that things were going to get bad.

Also, Senator Kelly Loeffer (sp?) began dumping - between 1.3 and 3.4 million.

Meanwhile, Trump and Kudlow were urging the plebes to "buy."

I wanted to stick to the virus itself rather than get all wound around the axle about insider trading and self-dealing, that stuff is legal nowadays if you're the president :D
I’m still in shock over ilhan Omar’s tweets

Find an example of one world community that has been able to take some measures to slow down the spread of the virus but hasn’t ultimately needed to go to a full lockdown.

You won’t.

The only problem here is that the government is understanding this in incremental steps rather than just getting right to the end game of lockdown, which is inevitable. The consequences for waiting to do this are severe.

The 15 days were laid out for a reason. To reassess. I really don’t think you understand the economic repercussions if the country shut down for a month. It would be absolutely devastating. The amount of people out of jobs, businesses flaming out even more so than now, and the economy being almost irrecoverable. You really do not understand. If you don’t care about that, then you don’t care. We have to do what we’re doing now and reassess. It’s as simple as that. If it was the Black Plague, I’d think differently.
I’m still in shock over ilhan Omar’s tweets

Why? It's become increasingly clear that you have to flatter Trump to get anything from him.

Wanna bet that "swing states" get extra supplies?
The 15 days were laid out for a reason. To reassess. I really don’t think you understand the economic repercussions if the country shut down for a month. It would be absolutely devastating. The amount of people out of jobs, businesses flaming out even more so than now, and the economy being almost irrecoverable. You really do not understand. If you don’t care about that, then you don’t care. We have to do what we’re doing now and reassess. It’s as simple as that. If it was the Black Plague, I’d think differently.

You’ve totally crisscrossed the effects of the virus, the government’s inevitable solution, and economic effects. And then moved the goalposts to claim I don’t know/don’t care about the impact on the economy. Are you always this dishonest in arguments?

California is the fifth largest economy in the world and just locked down the entire state. The whole US is next. It’s happening whether you approve of it or not and regardless of what you think I know about the economy or care about the economy.
You missed one. On January 24, Trump met with Senators - not sure if it was just the Republicans, but I think this was the day he was talking about meeting with the GOP.

Almost immediately, Richard Burr dumped 1.5 million in stock and told donors at some dinner (there's audio of this) that things were going to get bad.

Also, Senator Kelly Loeffer (sp?) began dumping - between 1.3 and 3.4 million.

Meanwhile, Trump and Kudlow were urging the plebes to "buy."
I don't know where you get your info on Trump and Ludlow urging people to buy, but the rest of that infuriates me (just saw that on the news myself). Absolutely disgusting.
You’ve totally crisscrossed the effects of the virus, the government’s inevitable solution, and economic effects. And then moved the goalposts to claim I don’t know/don’t care about the impact on the economy. Are you always this dishonest in arguments?

California is the fifth largest economy in the world and just locked down the entire state. The whole US is next. It’s happening whether you approve of it or not and regardless of what you think I know about the economy or care about the economy.

It’s really not. But hey, keep thinking that the whole US will shutdown.
Iceland is testing their entire population to get a better epidemiological perspective. One interesting thing to note from the article:

article said:
a low proportion of the general population has contracted the virus and that about half of those who tested positive are non-symptomatic.

Transmission is known to occur with asymptomatic patients which is why everyone should just assume they are positive and self quarantine.
It wasn't till this Monday March 15th that you could see that Trump finally went all-in. What China and WHO did in January is one thing, but it took Trump 6 full weeks to actually accept what was happening. I think he'll do fine from here on in, cause it's the first time I've seen him when he wasn't campaigning, but he's 5 weeks too late.

This is what happens when you elect a guy that has no government experience, no respect for science, who surrounds himself with yes-men, who views everything through the lens of getting re-elected, and can't get through a press conference without uttering a half dozen inadvertent untruths, another half dozen intentional lies & distortions, and a few gratuitous insults for good measure.

He's just a really bad fit to be president, especially for something like this. I go all the way back to Dwight Eisenhower. Trump is the 12th president of my lifetime, and is easily the last guy of those 12 to manage something like this. Truman & FDR were also giants compared to this man. So you have to go back 15 presidents to find someone that Trump might be better than to manage this. I'm not basing this on hate or party, just performance.
I’m still in shock over Ilhan Omar’s tweets

I've got respect for your intelligence bro. Give it more than an 'I didn't expect that' cursory thought and you won't be. ;)
You can point fingers at Trump, but consider that virtually every non-SARS country has had the same lagging response. All of Western Europe is going through it; much of the world is going through it. This virus is just a btch because it spreads despite not showing symptoms. That’s almost impossible to stop or control unless you immediately went into a total lockdown to slow the spread significantly and can only be ended when a cure or vaccine is available.
I've got respect for your intelligence bro. Give it more than an 'I didn't expect that' cursory thought and you won't be. ;)

I wish everyone could get together and move towards the same goal without a global crisis. It’s still nice to see both sides of the aisle come together and move towards a common goal.
I don't know where you get your info on Trump and Ludlow urging people to buy, but the rest of that infuriates me (just saw that on the news myself). Absolutely disgusting.

In coronavirus crisis, Trump's stock market advice keeps looking worse

“The virus story is not going to last forever,” Kudlow said in an interview. “I would suggest very seriously taking a look at the market, the stock market, that is a lot cheaper than it was a week or two ago.”

Five Senators now:
Senator Richard Burr
Senator Kelly Loefner
Senator Dianne Feinstein,
Senator Ron Johnson
Senator Jim Inhofe

And yes, this is very much illegal. The STOCK (Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge) Act was signed soon after Obama called out this practice in his 2012 SotU.
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