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WBCN axes rock format - going to all sports (on 98.5 as WBZ-FM) to compete with WEEI

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Re: WBCN axes rock format - going to all sports (on 98.5 as WBZ-FM) to compete with W

I enjoy listening to EEI-primarily The Big Show and sometimes Dale and Holley, but I always think it's a good idea to have some competition-if only to wake EEI up and make it better. The Sports Hub has a decent shot of making it in Boston due to its affiliations with the Patriots and CBS and having WBZ as its call letters can't hurt.

One place they can get a toehold is in the morning as I, for one, can't listen to D&C and their right wing, reactionary rhetoric and have read others comment with the same sentiments. So, if they can come up with a strong morning show, they may start to build some listener numbers.

I also hope that EEI re-thinks some of the ways they've been doing things. I realize commercials pay the bills, but there are so many especially after the on the hour Sports Flash, when I change the station-that break goes on seemingly forever.

I kind of liked Felger when he first came on the scene years ago, but I just can't stand him now. It's not just his contrarian schtick that bugs me, it's also some of the subjects he harps on like the week he kept talking about Cougars and MILFs--just stupid. Also his uninformed opinions are irritating- I loved it the day Gammons told him to watch the games! I know he has a certain following, but I don't see him succeeding against The Big Show. And Tanguay is just a stiff. I don't know if Steve Burton may end up there as well, but he's not strong on the radio either-he's just passable on the Big Show.

Anyway the competition will be healthy, and it will be fun to see what happens.
Re: WBCN axes rock format - going to all sports (on 98.5 as WBZ-FM) to compete with W

I don't love Felger. I don't think he is as bad as people make him out as. I also enjoy him more than popular guys who bring nothing to the table other than being yahoo homers who pander to the crowd (Fred Smerlas and Pete Sheppard being the extreme cases of that).

As for proof, Felger's on air personality is not proof. Most people hate him because no one in this town likes anyone who says anything remotely negative about the Patriots. Tom Curran has gone from the best in a lot of people's eyes to horrible because he has become more critical of the Patriots since he went to the national level. If Steve DeOssie started to be the contrarian and brought the same knowledge to the table, people would say he was moron too. I have no problem with contrarians and I do think Felger does bring things to the table as terms of insight. It is just not insight people want to hear. seem to be defending LIKE you love him...fooled me...and I am sure others. Yes, frankly, he is as bad as people make him out to be. AND good for you that you enjoy his arrogance and well as the misinformation he brings to the table. I wish he brought some insight and knowledge..but he left that years ago to concentrate on baiting and stirring things up. To me, he's Borges Jr..without the writing skills...nothing more. If that is what BZ wishes to put it's stock in, it's a bad move.
Re: WBCN axes rock format - going to all sports (on 98.5 as WBZ-FM) to compete with W

Well, you put a lot of interesting theories without a shread of evidence. No ddoubt these theories are formed by your bias against Felger. Where is your proof the Belichick put Light and Vrabel on because he knew that they could handle Felger? How do you know that Belichick had anything to do with that and it wasn't 100% coordinated by Stacy James or someone else? How do you know if Felger didn't request those two?

Also when did Felger ever say he was afronted by Belichick because he didn't get the access that Holley got? That is your hatred of Felger creating a scenario with no proof.

If you ever listedn to Felger's show on ESPN890, you would know that his contrarian view didn't come out until after Borges made regular appearances and his phones got flooded. Anyone you ask who listened to his show from the beginning will tell you at first it was execellent until he took his contrarian view.

As for WEEI, no matter what WBZ does it is still mediocre radio. If you can ever get a chance to listen to Sirius NFL radio or some of the other radio broadcasts around the country you will see that they do not set the bar very high for content and they pander to the lowest common denominator. That leads me to Smerlas since he is a perfect example of this, he shows on his Tailgating TV show that he is very knowledgeable when he isn't allowed time to do BS, but on WEEI he'd rather team with Pete and play a bafoon.

As for Felger, people love to hate him. But that doesn't neccessarily mean they won't listen to him. Borges' columns became more read after people started to hate him.

WBZ may or may not work, but it doesn't mean WEEI is a good radio. It is popular. It is dumbed down a lot of the time. It really doesn't bog themselves down with indepth analysis a lot of the time in favor of yahoo callers. Doesn't mean they are beatable. It also doesn't mean they are good. There a lot of jugganauts on radio who do very well by attacking the lowest common denominator. It just ain't my kind of radio. Only Dale and Holley try to raise the bar on that level on a conssistent basis.

I have no bias against Felger. He was my favorite Patriots beat reporter almost from the day he arrived on the Pat's beat, and an eagerly anticipated untainted voice of reason as a guest football insider through 2003 on WEEI. Ditto on Sports final alonside the bumbling Lobel and Burton. He lost me first when he pandered for airtime as a smash mouth co host on WEEI during his 2004 auditioning phase. And as is always the case the persona he cultivated there to get ahead quickly began to creep into his print pieces and TV work. He sold his soul for a shot at the big bucks, pure and simple.

Few in any walk of life will acknowledge professional jealousy publicly, although his collegues have and even he has alluded to it, though he tries to veil it under the guise of self effacing (juvenile db) humor.

Felger was on good behavior the first couple of months on ESPN, until his first ratings started to filter in. He saw the handwriting on the wall and started pandering to his lowest common denominator. His demographic of choice is the young male who thinks he's smarter than the rest of us, including Belichick... I fear that is your demographic. He panders to those who bolster their own ego at the expense of others just as much as the WEEI crew does. Only with Felger homers can never be insightful or intelligent, just ballwashers. Intelligence equates with criticism... I'll take my dose of annoying attempts at humor in the form of egotistical hosts bashing moronic callers as opposed to egotistical hosts and callers bashing deservedly acclaimed coaches and players, thanks. Only 3 for 4 in Superbowls in the last 8 seasons...waaahhhhh.

When he first began covering this team he developed an almost immediate (and insightful) admiration for all they represented, even as he doubted it was enough to carry them to a championship. That's balancing heart and head. As his airtime increased and his access shrank (I remember the time he announced on air that his punter buddy would be bringing in the kicking unit, only to have BB comment to them at lunch that he hoped they each had important football work to focus on that afternoon...) his admiration began to turn to disdain. He began to whine about what they didn't do and nitpick what they did do.

Even BSMW was complaining about his diminishing reputation by mid season 2006 (based on trends they had observed since the season began in TC). He was increasingly leaning on others (like the ESPN cronies he inherited with the job, the FOX contacts he inherited with FSNE, the PFW malcontents, the inexperienced (and particularly the chubby) new faces or transferees attmepting to fill the growing void at the Herald, not the mention the Inside Track bimbos for content an insight (and opinion) because by then he had little or no time for on air prep or development of his own. He was then juggling his radio gig with his position as the Herald's top Patriots "beat columnist" (no longer constrained as a beat reporter) replacing Mannix vitriol, and his new gig as front man for FSNE - while hanging on to Sports Final and it's pre and post game programming. All in the face of decreasing access (and the emergence of another media guy he characterized as a rump swab, because apparently if you had access you now must be...).

He was trying to become a multi mediot millionaire, and he ended up a radio station blogger and cable co host. Have you read any of his work on WEEI, most notably his juvenile douche bag (can't laugh at me if I laugh at myself...) mail bags? Have you listened to how tortured and constrained he is in the company of Michael Holley? Anyone who with half a football brain and the stones to challenge him turns him into a visibly sullen twit... ESPN surrounded him with starstruck, fratboy sports wannabes and he regailed them with cougar humor and hyper critical insight (like how if he were starting a team from scratch his #1 QB would be Carson Palmer, a younger and perhaps more talented version of the guy he used to carpool and socialize with who no longer gives him the time of day). I recall watching him interview Brady after a game in 2007 and it was painfully obvious that Brady had been forced to participate due to the new radio deal with ESPN and the NEP. It was one of the most uncomfortable things I've ever witnessed... Players want nothing to do with Felger because he doesn't interview you so much as he attempts to lead you into agreeing with his view or bait you into saying something you'll regret. Most players and coaches understand the media has a job to do. It's when they cross the line by cavalierly impacting your life or livlihood as a means to their own selfish end to get ahead that access evaporates.

Team him up with the right personality and you might have had half a chance at a successful show. Unfortunately there are few available personalities that combine Holley's sports IQ with self assurance, composure and talk radio sensibility - the latter of which is at times sorely challenged dealing with Felger. For his own sake Felger would have been better off patiently angling for an opening with the established station and a support system. Make the same mistake with him as ESPN did, surround him with fratboys and ask him to compete with established programming and allow him to moonlight on CSN, and you can kiss your foray into this market goodby. He will succomb to the pressure to pander for ratings.

Nobody is saying WEEI is "good", just good at marketing a niche. I wish there were an alternate niche that would support elevated radio sports talk, just don't think that is the financial reality in Boston. It's a very parochial, opinionated and pro limited market. Most callers to talk radio would rather biatch about players or pat themselves on the back for matching wits with radio personalities they secretly admire or openly dispise than rationally discuss football, same problem you see on this message board. Drags this place down too, but it is what it is. East Coast passion is rooted in the fellowhood of the miserable mentality, even moreso in greater Boston because of 89 years of more often crashing disappointment than glory. Especially in a traditional baseball town. The Bruins and Celtics offered some respite, but they didn't ever matter enough to the majority fanbase here, and they'd been disappointing as well for approaching decades. It was baseball first, and in the last 15 years football slowly gained a growing following within that majority. But it's only in the last several years that football rose to being on par with baseball, and I do think that by and large, and for better or worse, the Boston sports media has nearly caught up with that reality. There is way more football coverage now than there was back in 2002, that's for sure - including in the so called off season...including on WEEI.

You cannot expect that to ever come close to the NFL on Sirius, though. That would be like comparing any local network's regular scheduled programming to NFLN. And when you find yourself inhabiting a universe where three pro sports teams have won 6 championships in the last 8 seasons, denying any of them coverage just to appeal to a minority niche (the just football please, fans) would be nonsensical from a business standpoint. Programming is tailored to appeal to the broadest base.

Which is also why it's apparently not even limited to sports in this market during the AM commute. And why it will always include a component of bashing or mocking someone or something because that is part of what the core demographic in this market craves irrespective of age or education or income level. Again, just look at this board if you disagree...
Re: WBCN axes rock format - going to all sports (on 98.5 as WBZ-FM) to compete with W

I have no bias against Felger. He was my favorite Patriots beat reporter almost from the day he arrived on the Pat's beat, and an eagerly anticipated untainted voice of reason as a guest football insider through 2003 on WEEI. Ditto on Sports final alonside the bumbling Lobel and Burton. He lost me first when he pandered for airtime as a smash mouth co host on WEEI during his 2004 auditioning phase. And as is always the case the persona he cultivated there to get ahead quickly began to creep into his print pieces and TV work. He sold his soul for a shot at the big bucks, pure and simple.

Few in any walk of life will acknowledge professional jealousy publicly, although his collegues have and even he has alluded to it, though he tries to veil it under the guise of self effacing (juvenile db) humor.

Felger was on good behavior the first couple of months on ESPN, until his first ratings started to filter in. He saw the handwriting on the wall and started pandering to his lowest common denominator. His demographic of choice is the young male who thinks he's smarter than the rest of us, including Belichick... I fear that is your demographic. He panders to those who bolster their own ego at the expense of others just as much as the WEEI crew does. Only with Felger homers can never be insightful or intelligent, just ballwashers. Intelligence equates with criticism... I'll take my dose of annoying attempts at humor in the form of egotistical hosts bashing moronic callers as opposed to egotistical hosts and callers bashing deservedly acclaimed coaches and players, thanks. Only 3 for 4 in Superbowls in the last 8 seasons...waaahhhhh.

When he first began covering this team he developed an almost immediate (and insightful) admiration for all they represented, even as he doubted it was enough to carry them to a championship. That's balancing heart and head. As his airtime increased and his access shrank (I remember the time he announced on air that his punter buddy would be bringing in the kicking unit, only to have BB comment to them at lunch that he hoped they each had important football work to focus on that afternoon...) his admiration began to turn to disdain. He began to whine about what they didn't do and nitpick what they did do.

Even BSMW was complaining about his diminishing reputation by mid season 2006 (based on trends they had observed since the season began in TC). He was increasingly leaning on others (like the ESPN cronies he inherited with the job, the FOX contacts he inherited with FSNE, the PFW malcontents, the inexperienced (and particularly the chubby) new faces or transferees attmepting to fill the growing void at the Herald, not the mention the Inside Track bimbos for content an insight (and opinion) because by then he had little or no time for on air prep or development of his own. He was then juggling his radio gig with his position as the Herald's top Patriots "beat columnist" (no longer constrained as a beat reporter) replacing Mannix vitriol, and his new gig as front man for FSNE - while hanging on to Sports Final and it's pre and post game programming. All in the face of decreasing access (and the emergence of another media guy he characterized as a rump swab, because apparently if you had access you now must be...).

He was trying to become a multi mediot millionaire, and he ended up a radio station blogger and cable co host. Have you read any of his work on WEEI, most notably his juvenile douche bag (can't laugh at me if I laugh at myself...) mail bags? Have you listened to how tortured and constrained he is in the company of Michael Holley? Anyone who with half a football brain and the stones to challenge him turns him into a visibly sullen twit... ESPN surrounded him with starstruck, fratboy sports wannabes and he regailed them with cougar humor and hyper critical insight (like how if he were starting a team from scratch his #1 QB would be Carson Palmer, a younger and perhaps more talented version of the guy he used to carpool and socialize with who no longer gives him the time of day). I recall watching him interview Brady after a game in 2007 and it was painfully obvious that Brady had been forced to participate due to the new radio deal with ESPN and the NEP. It was one of the most uncomfortable things I've ever witnessed... Players want nothing to do with Felger because he doesn't interview you so much as he attempts to lead you into agreeing with his view or bait you into saying something you'll regret. Most players and coaches understand the media has a job to do. It's when they cross the line by cavalierly impacting your life or livlihood as a means to their own selfish end to get ahead that access evaporates.

Team him up with the right personality and you might have had half a chance at a successful show. Unfortunately there are few available personalities that combine Holley's sports IQ with self assurance, composure and talk radio sensibility - the latter of which is at times sorely challenged dealing with Felger. For his own sake Felger would have been better off patiently angling for an opening with the established station and a support system. Make the same mistake with him as ESPN did, surround him with fratboys and ask him to compete with established programming and allow him to moonlight on CSN, and you can kiss your foray into this market goodby. He will succomb to the pressure to pander for ratings.

Nobody is saying WEEI is "good", just good at marketing a niche. I wish there were an alternate niche that would support elevated radio sports talk, just don't think that is the financial reality in Boston. It's a very parochial, opinionated and pro limited market. Most callers to talk radio would rather biatch about players or pat themselves on the back for matching wits with radio personalities they secretly admire or openly dispise than rationally discuss football, same problem you see on this message board. Drags this place down too, but it is what it is. East Coast passion is rooted in the fellowhood of the miserable mentality, even moreso in greater Boston because of 89 years of more often crashing disappointment than glory. Especially in a traditional baseball town. The Bruins and Celtics offered some respite, but they didn't ever matter enough to the majority fanbase here, and they'd been disappointing as well for approaching decades. It was baseball first, and in the last 15 years football slowly gained a growing following within that majority. But it's only in the last several years that football rose to being on par with baseball, and I do think that by and large, and for better or worse, the Boston sports media has nearly caught up with that reality. There is way more football coverage now than there was back in 2002, that's for sure - including in the so called off season...including on WEEI.

You cannot expect that to ever come close to the NFL on Sirius, though. That would be like comparing any local network's regular scheduled programming to NFLN. And when you find yourself inhabiting a universe where three pro sports teams have won 6 championships in the last 8 seasons, denying any of them coverage just to appeal to a minority niche (the just football please, fans) would be nonsensical from a business standpoint. Programming is tailored to appeal to the broadest base.

Which is also why it's apparently not even limited to sports in this market during the AM commute. And why it will always include a component of bashing or mocking someone or something because that is part of what the core demographic in this market craves irrespective of age or education or income level. Again, just look at this board if you disagree...
Well said...again, I also liked Felger in his early days..thought he was a breath of fresh air..until he wanted the spotlight and the top of the ladder more than just becoming knowledgeable and the craft. Some great insights into the media and the fanbase in Boston.
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Re: WBCN axes rock format - going to all sports (on 98.5 as WBZ-FM) to compete with W

except for the morning show i love eei just the way it is. I'm thrilled that i wont have to listen to felger anymore.
Re: WBCN axes rock format - going to all sports (on 98.5 as WBZ-FM) to compete with W

I remember Felger when he was the guy to read, before all his live media gigs. I remember anticipating his show on ESPN radio and listening to it disintegrate (as its signal broke up after 5 pm. He was fighting an entrenched competitor from a third-rate station and took an unfortunate angle.

He changed then, he can change again.

This time his station is a well-funded, well-connected power in its right, the station that broadcasts the game and has business connections in Foxboro. The smarmy contrarian attitude works against him this time. Felger has always been funny and self-deprecating, an attitude that works well on radio. If he can ditch the smarmy contrarian act, he can succeed.

The Patriots have an army of new players who don't hate him yet. If they give him a chance, so will I.
Re: WBCN axes rock format - going to all sports (on 98.5 as WBZ-FM) to compete with W

If they give him a chance, so will I.
Didn't you say that about Favre, or was that someone else? :p
Re: WBCN axes rock format - going to all sports (on 98.5 as WBZ-FM) to compete with W

Didn't you say that about Favre, or was that someone else? :p
Felger is from Wisconsin. :)
Re: WBCN axes rock format - going to all sports (on 98.5 as WBZ-FM) to compete with W

Felger is from Wisconsin. :)
My experiences with Wisconsin farm girls prevents me from thinking bad things about the state or it's residents unless they go the extra step to get on my bad side. :cool:
Re: WBCN axes rock format - going to all sports (on 98.5 as WBZ-FM) to compete with W

My experiences with Wisconsin farm girls prevents me from thinking bad things about the state or it's residents unless they go the extra step to get on my bad side. :cool:

I see what you mean Box.
Re: WBCN axes rock format - going to all sports (on 98.5 as WBZ-FM) to compete with W

I see what you mean Box.

Ehhh..... she's a cow. The udders look healthy, though.

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Re: WBCN axes rock format - going to all sports (on 98.5 as WBZ-FM) to compete with W

I remember Felger when he was the guy to read, before all his live media gigs. I remember anticipating his show on ESPN radio and listening to it disintegrate (as its signal broke up after 5 pm. He was fighting an entrenched competitor from a third-rate station and took an unfortunate angle.

He changed then, he can change again.

This time his station is a well-funded, well-connected power in its right, the station that broadcasts the game and has business connections in Foxboro. The smarmy contrarian attitude works against him this time. Felger has always been funny and self-deprecating, an attitude that works well on radio. If he can ditch the smarmy contrarian act, he can succeed.

The Patriots have an army of new players who don't hate him yet. If they give him a chance, so will I.
Maybe he can change back to the OLD Felger...but..what does it say about him?? Just an opportunist who has little substance and just does what he can to get ahead? Just a media prostitute. I will listen to I listened to him a few years ago..going back and forth to EEI and other programs to get the best out of all of them. I now have little expectations for him..which may be the best.
Frankly, I think it may be quite hard to ditch what he has become..but we shall see. But what about the morning duo?? Are they that much better than D&C?? OK..surely better..but all that much? I will stick with M&M..despite being on ESPN...I can stomach them more than any of the other windbags. But what about Tanguay?? During those 4 me Holley is the best...and here it seems to competition at all. I also wonder what they have plans for nights?? Now, a lot of questions..and to me an opportunity lost at least now and for me no excitement at all. And that is there are plenty of national alternatives..
Re: WBCN axes rock format - going to all sports (on 98.5 as WBZ-FM) to compete with W

Ehhh..... she's a cow. The udders look healthy, though.

You old bulls never miss a trick.
Re: WBCN axes rock format - going to all sports (on 98.5 as WBZ-FM) to compete with W

I think it's a smart move to use an FM station even though it's just talk and not music. It's not a matter of better sound quality; problems AM stations have in any market is that unless they are one of the handful with a 50,000 watt license they are unlistenable after sundown and have far too weak of a signal even during the day to attract a decent audience. An example of this in the Boston area is 890 WAMG, while 1510 WWZN is an example of attracting a decent audience with WBCN's mixed format.

As a minor note, though, AM stations can actually transmit farther than FM stations. I've gotten Boston AM stations out in central/western CT.
Re: WBCN axes rock format - going to all sports (on 98.5 as WBZ-FM) to compete with W

Maybe he can change back to the OLD Felger...but..what does it say about him?? Just an opportunist who has little substance and just does what he can to get ahead? Just a media prostitute. I will listen to I listened to him a few years ago..going back and forth to EEI and other programs to get the best out of all of them. I now have little expectations for him..which may be the best.
Frankly, I think it may be quite hard to ditch what he has become..but we shall see. But what about the morning duo?? Are they that much better than D&C?? OK..surely better..but all that much? I will stick with M&M..despite being on ESPN...I can stomach them more than any of the other windbags. But what about Tanguay?? During those 4 me Holley is the best...and here it seems to competition at all. I also wonder what they have plans for nights?? Now, a lot of questions..and to me an opportunity lost at least now and for me no excitement at all. And that is there are plenty of national alternatives..

Do you really think that any radio personality is really like there on air persona? Do you think D&C are as Right Wing as their on air persona's or Pete Sheppard or Fred Smerlas are the baffoons they act on radio? Do you think Felger really went from a Patriots ball washer to a contrarian because his opinions changed on the team. Sorry, radio is entertainment. Radio personalities change their off air personality to make themselves more entrtaining to increase ratings. If he changes his personality on WBZ to be more pro Patriots and focus more on discussing real sports rather than being the contrarian point of view and it increases his ratings, I will say he is getting more media savvy.

If you think people on the radio always speak their minds, you are crazy. Most radio shows plan before hand on certain topics and have one host take one point of view and the other host take the other even if both are in agreement. Mike and Mike do it all the time. If everyone on the show agree on an issue that there isn't universal agreement amoung the listeners, it makes boring radio. Every show manipulates opinions to create entertainment.

In this area, Felger is no different than most hosts. Opinions are based on entertainment value and ratings over honest opinions.
Re: WBCN axes rock format - going to all sports (on 98.5 as WBZ-FM) to compete with W

Do you really think that any radio personality is really like there on air persona? Do you think D&C are as Right Wing as their on air persona's or Pete Sheppard or Fred Smerlas are the baffoons they act on radio? Do you think Felger really went from a Patriots ball washer to a contrarian because his opinions changed on the team. Sorry, radio is entertainment. Radio personalities change their off air personality to make themselves more entrtaining to increase ratings. If he changes his personality on WBZ to be more pro Patriots and focus more on discussing real sports rather than being the contrarian point of view and it increases his ratings, I will say he is getting more media savvy.

If you think people on the radio always speak their minds, you are crazy. Most radio shows plan before hand on certain topics and have one host take one point of view and the other host take the other even if both are in agreement. Mike and Mike do it all the time. If everyone on the show agree on an issue that there isn't universal agreement amoung the listeners, it makes boring radio. Every show manipulates opinions to create entertainment.

In this area, Felger is no different than most hosts. Opinions are based on entertainment value and ratings over honest opinions.

Felger is different from most hosts, though. He drove the local sports team away from himself because he was such an ass in their opinion. Most hosts don't do that.
Re: WBCN axes rock format - going to all sports (on 98.5 as WBZ-FM) to compete with W

Felger is different from most hosts, though. He drove the local sports team away from himself because he was such an ass in their opinion. Most hosts don't do that.

Most hosts wouldn't be stupid enough or be allowed to get that bad enough to have done that...
Re: WBCN axes rock format - going to all sports (on 98.5 as WBZ-FM) to compete with W

Another perspective on what to expect, WEEI's strengths, and whether WBZ-FM should try to be an 'EEI clone or try a different approach. Chuck Wilson hosted a sports talk radio show in Providence for several years and has been in the sports talk radio business since 1981.

Interview with Chuck Wilson

There is room for two sports station given the passion of Boston-area sports fans. The numbers WEEI has with male listeners has been coveted in the Boston market for some time. CBS has decided to go after them.

If WBZ-FM provides its own brand of compelling content, WEEI likely will respond by sharpening its approach. The competition figures to bring out the best in both — two sports stations with strong signals.

It’s a win-win for area sports fans.

continued ...
Re: WBCN axes rock format - going to all sports (on 98.5 as WBZ-FM) to compete with W

Another perspective on what to expect, WEEI's strengths, and whether WBZ-FM should try to be an 'EEI clone or try a different approach. Chuck Wilson hosted a sports talk radio show in Providence for several years and has been in the sports talk radio business since 1981.

Interview with Chuck Wilson

continued ...

Excellent interview. Glad to see a professional make the same points several of us have made on 'BZ vs EEI. Given the financial resources and the strong signal, make or break will be the choices for on-air 'talent' and their formats. (Sun to rise in East tomorrow as well)
Re: WBCN axes rock format - going to all sports (on 98.5 as WBZ-FM) to compete with W

Ultimately, I think that 'BZ will play the role of Virgin Atlantic to EEI's BA. Branson forced BA to become competitive again through his common sense strategies. In reality, Branson is what saved BA. While he certainly is going to be the ultimate death of the airline, he initially forced the dying entity back into competition. Ultimately, both products were enhanced, and the direct competition resulted in an overall better product for the marketplace. The same should be expected here.
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