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Editorial And Ethics Policy at

All content posted at goes through an editorial process in order to maintain quality and accuracy to our readers.

As an independent media outlet for over two decades, we’ve strived to maintain a top-notch editorial standard, which includes a fair and balanced standard across each of our platforms. We insist on fact-checking, and hold ourselves accountable to provide accurate statistics and information, etc. This is one of the reasons why we’ve become a trusted source of information for people even outside of traditional media. We constantly strive to continue evolving and improving, but it all starts with each piece that’s published here on our platform.

We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of each entry prior to publication, with each article reviewed and checked to ensure it meets the necessary standards we require. If a correction is needed, we are transparent about the change and any new, updated information is also cited to clarify any factual error that may have led to inaccurate information which may have misled our readers.

Our advertising is handled by a third-party provider completely and 100% unrelated to any and all content posted at At no time is any content posted or any information affected or influenced by any advertiser unless otherwise noted by a “Sponsored Post” reference, which would be clearly marked along with any additional information to ensure full transparency.

There are sections at that are provided via aggregated feeds and do not reflect the opinions or beliefs of our staff. We are also not paid to provide any of the publications that are included in those feeds, with all of their articles appearing as simply a free service to our users.

This Policy was updated in February of 2021 and will be updated as needed.

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