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Hernandez Letter to Pen Pal

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Pro Bowl Player
Mar 25, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Pats Family. Pardon me if this was posted, as it is dated 2/1 and the original letter was sent in December 2015. I did a search and did not see this anywhere. But if it has been posted, mods please merge.


Angry at his pen pal:

"Tie a cinderblock to your ankles and jump in a deep body of water," Hernandez writes.

He then suggests, "Buy the most powerful firecracker in the world that's possible to buy, tie it to your face with duct tape, light it and wait for your head to explode."

About the Pats:
"I have a TV in my cell! And yes I still root for my squad and still love all the ones I loved.

The closest I was with was probably Brady and whom I love to death and always will and only hope the best for them. But was cool with Julez, Branch (I f**ked with and got mad love for) and 'the BEST TE ever to walk on a football field' Gronk!"

I know there is a lot of disdain on the board for him (and rightfully so), but I thought it was an interesting read, nonetheless.
It's just such a weird thing to this day, isn't it? How our perception of him changed so quickly once we found out more about him and who he is. It's crazy to think how we once rooted for this guy.
It's just such a weird thing to this day, isn't it? How our perception of him changed so quickly once we found out more about him and who he is. It's crazy to think how we once rooted for this guy.
It actually was not as big of a shock to me because I was living in Gainesville at the same time he attended UF (I finished two years prior) and stories of his antics abound. People still talk about him to this day. Everybody knew Meyer was covering sh*t up. EVERYONE! My only run in with him was at a club. He literally sat up on the bar and yelled out for any girl who was so inclined to come over and suck his hot dog right there. Of course nobody did at the bar, but I'm pretty sure he went home with a few. He was hot sh*t and the girls loved the dude. He got special treatment by everyone (as did all the ball players at that time) and he took advantage of every ounce of it.
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It actually was not as big of a shock to me because I was living in Gainesville at the same time he attended UF (I finished two years prior) and stories of his antics abound. People still talk about him to this day. Everybody knew Meyer was covering sh*t up. EVERYONE! My only run in with him was at a club. He literally sat up on the bar and yelled out for any girl who was so inclined to come over and suck his hot dog right there. Of course nobody did at the bar, but I'm pretty sure he went home with a few. He was hot sh*t and the girls loved the dude. He got special treatment every (as did all the ball players at that time) and he took advantage of every ounce of it.
Nah that's ********, BB obviously knew he was a murderer and was covering for him the whole time! I heard it on Felger & Mazz so it must be true. Murdergate cheating Pats!
Nah that's ********, BB obviously knew he was a murderer and was covering for him the whole time! I heard it on Felger & Mazz so it must be true. Murdergate cheating Pats!
I know you're being silly, Froob, but my story is definitely truth. I assure you. Meyer sold BB a bill of goods on Hernandez. Heck, he did it with all the worthless UF guys - Cunningham, Spikes, et. al. Tebow really was the only guy on that team worth a damn off the field. Louis Murphy was also not a bad guy, but he had the tendency to be hot and cold. You'd talk to him one day and he'd be the nicest guy. You catch him the next day, and he'd be the biggest douche on the planet. It was so weird.
I know you're being silly, Froob, but my story is definitely truth. I assure you. Meyer sold BB a bill of goods on Hernandez. Heck, he did it with all the worthless UF guys - Cunningham, Spikes, et. al. Tebow really was the only guy on that team worth a damn off the field. Louis Murphy was also not a bad guy, but he had the tendency to be hot and cold. You'd talk to him one day and he'd be the nicest guy. You catch him the next day, and he'd be the biggest douche on the planet. It was so weird.
Tis a shame that Tebow was the least talented one aside from Cunningham (remember that time he almost sacked a QB? Oh wait that was a bunch of times). Least Teebs is still doing some great stuff off the field.
Serial killer.
Tis a shame that Tebow was the least talented one aside from Cunningham (remember that time he almost sacked a QB? Oh wait that was a bunch of times). Least Teebs is still doing some great stuff off the field.
Cunningham was so frustrating to watch. We do owe one win to him at least. His pressure caused the late-game interception by James Sanders against the Colts.
I wouldn't want to write anybody in jail. Even an ex-NFL player!:eek:
he who must not be named...

i was starting to forget about him but he appears every now and then. patsfans still has AH in the news wire. please stop.
It actually was not as big of a shock to me because I was living in Gainesville at the same time he attended UF (I finished two years prior) and stories of his antics abound. People still talk about him to this day. Everybody knew Meyer was covering sh*t up. EVERYONE! My only run in with him was at a club. He literally sat up on the bar and yelled out for any girl who was so inclined to come over and suck his hot dog right there. Of course nobody did at the bar, but I'm pretty sure he went home with a few. He was hot sh*t and the girls loved the dude. He got special treatment every (as did all the ball players at that time) and he took advantage of every ounce of it.

I call BS. I've never been to a club that served hotdogs. :D
Finally a Hernandez thread worth posting! All those other Hernandez threads, and news links. I couldn't freaking understand why that useless crap was being posted. but this letter! Gives you insight into Hernandez. I hope more of this **** will be posted on this forum. Especially if he continues to criticize that corrupt traitor Benedict Bob.

patsfans still has AH in the news wire. please stop.

I've been wanting that nonsense to stop a long time ago. It was ridiculous that hernandez **** was still being posted on this site. This thread is the only exception. This is good stuff!
Finally a Hernandez thread worth posting! All those other Hernandez threads, and news links. I couldn't freaking understand why that useless crap was being posted. but this letter! Gives you insight into Hernandez. I hope more of this **** will be posted on this forum. Especially if he continues to criticize that corrupt traitor Benedict Bob.

I've been wanting that nonsense to stop a long time ago. It was ridiculous that hernandez **** was still being posted on this site. This thread is the only exception. This is good stuff!

Quite an insane take.

Your openly stating you didn't want to see Hernandez threads and state you wanted him gone from the news feed.

With the exception of this one thread due to his dislike for Kraft. And you even now hope for more from him.

It's as if your willing to forgive him for murder just because he bad mouths Kraft. However you apparently can't forgive Kraft despite things he's said.
Quite an insane take.

Your openly stating you didn't want to see Hernandez threads and state you wanted him gone from the news feed.

With the exception of this one thread due to his dislike for Kraft. And you even now hope for more from him.

It's as if your willing to forgive him for murder just because he bad mouths Kraft. However you apparently can't forgive Kraft despite things he's said.

Why do I need to forgive Hernandez for murder, did he murder someone close to me? I don't condone his actions. and come on, my first sentence after "but this letter!" is "Gives you insight into Hernandez". You can't say "With the exception of this one thread due to his dislike for Kraft. That's Goodell/BSPN/NYJFL* level omission right there! I know that machine is powerful so their behaviour can sometimes rub off on us average joes as ok, but let's try to be a little stronger against the darkside.

Yes I do hope to see more letters from him. More letters, more insight.

Why the heck would I forgive Kraft, he's corrupt like the other 31. Why would anyone forgive him? I can't forgive a man who continues to be corrupt. If Hernandez is going to bad mouth bend over bob, I'll cheers Hernandez to that.
The AHern thing is weird on many levels. I shall now perhaps add one more, based on the observation that AHern's career ended suddenly, frozen in time.

The time you won your town the race
We chaired you through the market-place;
Man and boy stood cheering by,
And home we brought you shoulder-high.

Today, the road all runners come,
Shoulder-high we bring you home,
And set you at your threshold down,
Townsman of a stiller town.

Smart lad, to slip betimes away
From fields where glory does not stay,
And early though the laurel grows
It withers quicker than the rose.

Eyes the shady night has shut
Cannot see the record cut,
And silence sounds no worse than cheers
After earth has stopped the ears.

Now you will not swell the rout
Of lads that wore their honours out,
Runners whom renown outran
And the name died before the man.

So set, before its echoes fade,
The fleet foot on the sill of shade,
And hold to the low lintel up
The still-defended challenge-cup.

And round that early-laurelled head
Will flock to gaze the strengthless dead,
And find unwithered on its curls
The garland briefer than a girl’s.
Why do I need to forgive Hernandez for murder, did he murder someone close to me? I don't condone his actions. and come on, my first sentence after "but this letter!" is "Gives you insight into Hernandez". You can't say "With the exception of this one thread due to his dislike for Kraft. That's Goodell/BSPN/NYJFL* level omission right there! I know that machine is powerful so their behaviour can sometimes rub off on us average joes as ok, but let's try to be a little stronger against the darkside.

Yes I do hope to see more letters from him. More letters, more insight.

Why the heck would I forgive Kraft, he's corrupt like the other 31. Why would anyone forgive him? I can't forgive a man who continues to be corrupt. If Hernandez is going to bad mouth bend over bob, I'll cheers Hernandez to that.
If misunderstood why you want to hear more from Hernandez my B but I thought you pretty much summed up your opinion with this line "Especially if he continues to criticize that corrupt traitor Benedict Bob."

And if you don't like the term apologize. Your still siding with a someone who committed murder instead of someone whose biggest fault is he hugs Goodell and he didn't appeal.
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